Project Listing - Dashboard

What information does the "Dashboard" view provide?

The ”Project Listing - Dashboard” view appears when the user selects the ”Dashboard” option under ”Project Listing”.  This page provides the user with a central, dashboard-style view of the inner workings of the project they have selected.  All information identified as significant to the management and operation of a selected UTA project is shown here at a summary level, allowing users to quickly understand the overall status of that project.

IPCS Project "Dashboard" Screen


Immediately upon opening the dashboard the user will be presented with a series of Key Performance Indicators dials:

IPCS Project Listing Dashboard "Key Performance Indicators" Dials Screen


Each of these dials represents a separate Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the project and conveys a status for the project related to that item:


Another section of the Project Listing Dashboard is the "Activity Summary" area.  Each of the items shown in the ”Activity Summary” area contains one or more linkage points that provide users with access to more detailed information related to the specific item they are looking at.

IPCS "Activity Summary" area (in detail)


The reason that this page is referred to as a ”dashboard” view of the project is that it has been designed to provide the reader with a quick understanding of multiple areas of the project at the same time, in the same way that looking at the dashboard of your car will provide you with multiple pieces of information related to the health of your vehicle at a single glance.

From the ”Dashboard” view, the reader can quickly view summary data about specific areas of the selected project including:


To view the detailed information for these areas, the user must click on the corresponding links located within the ”Dashboard” page or within the button bar menu at the top of the screen.

IPCS Project Listing Button Bar


In addition to the ”Dashboard” view, depending on their security profile,  users may access other detailed project information including:


Users also have the option of identifying the ”Dashboard” page for any project as their default page in IPCS by clicking on the ”Set this Dashboard as my IPCS Homepage” link at the top of the page.

The ”Set this Dashboard as my IPCS Homepage” link


Click here to see a video of this process


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