Project Listing - Project Contracts/COs

Table of Contents


Contract – A Contract is an agreement between UTA and a contractor. A Contract can span one or many projects.

Change Order (CO) – A Change Order is a request to make changes to the agreed upon scope of work. A Change Order only covers one contract, but that contract might span multiple projects.

Group Change Order – A Group Change Order can hold multiple Change Orders and is a way to logically group together Change Orders that might be related.

CCC – Change Control Committee

What Is the Contracts/COs page?

Menu bar

The ”Contracts/COs” link opens the ”Contracts and Change Orders” page for the selected project.

Users can use this page to initiate a change to the project based on a particular contract presented within this area of IPCS.

Contract tabs and Filters



From this page users are provided with a high level view of all contracts associated with the project. They can also view the detailed information for each individual contract by clicking on the contract name in the tabs at the top of the page. The tab for the contract they are viewing will turn blue and all entries associated with that contract will appear on the page.

The initial view of the Contracts/COs page will show every contract associated with the selected project as a row (or rows) of tabs. Each tab representing a contract. From the initial view, you can:

When requesting a change to a project, users are expected to follow the approved Change Order Process Flows:

Page Sections


Project Info – Displays basic information about the currently selected project.


Contract Tabs – Displays a tab group, with each tab representing a contract associated with the project.


Filtering / Export – Allows the user to filter the full list of Contract Change Orders based on Status, Pending Obligations, Closed, or Estimates. It also displays the number of Change orders currently being displayed based on the current filters.

Attachments – When editing a contract, you can choose to add attachments. If any have been added, they are displayed here.

Contract Value Summary – This section visualizes the changes in contract values based on the total of the Change Orders for the selected contract.


Change Order List – Allows the user to filter the full list of Contract Change Orders based on Status, Pending Obligations, Closed, or Estimates. It also displays the number of Change orders currently being displayed based on the current filters.

Page Actions

Create Contact – Clicking this will take the user to the Create Contact Page.

Edit Contract – Clicking this will take the user to the Edit Contract page.

New Change Order – Takes user to the Create Change Order page.

New Group Change Order – Takes user to the Create Group Change Order page.

Create Contract


From the Create Contract page, you can create a new Contract. By default the associated project will be the currently selected project. The following fields are required for creation:

Associated Projects*

You may choose to associate the contract with one or more projects. To Add additional projects, click the “Add Additional Project” to add a new row in the Project grid. Select a project from the drop down and assign a Value and a PO Number. It will be saved when the Contract is saved.

* Note: The sum of the project values must equal the Contract Value.

Edit Contract


From the Edit Contract page, you can edit the Contract fields as well as associate projects and add attachments. It is also the only place you can Delete a Contract from.

The following fields are required:

Once you are done editing, click the “Save Contract” button to save the changes.

Delete Contract

A Contract can only be deleted when it does not have any Change Orders associated with it. Please use this feature cautiously as it is permanent.


If there are any attachments to add to the Contract, you can do so by clicking the "Choose File" button underneath the grid of attachments. Once you've selected a file, it will be uploaded and saved when the Contract is saved. Attachments that are associated with a Contract show up on the View and Edit Contract pages only.

Change Orders

There are two types of Change Orders, Single and Group. Single Change Orders encapsulate a single Change Order request, while Group Change Orders can encompass one or more Single Change Orders. Group Change Orders will show at the top of the Contracts Change Order List, and are identified by their blue background within that list.


Approval Form


The Change Order Approval form is required for the sign-off of the Change Order. It is used to create a physical form that would then be signed by the designated signees.


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